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Communicating with Local Media

Gaining positive media exposure for your organisation can be an important element of the travel planning implementation process.  Potentially, local media should be seen as a strong ally, helping to secure your reputation as a responsible employer within the local community.


There are a few key things to remember when considering contacting the local media as part of any awareness raising activities:




  1. A good starting point would be to contact a local authority press officer. They will have a long list of media contacts and considerable experience of dealing with local press and radio.  Here is a link to the Scottish Councils section on the Scottish Government website. Here you will find links directly to the websites for each Scottish Council area and up to date press office details.


  1. Make sure you invest time in building relationships with key local media contacts.  Try to meet with them face to face, invite them to your offices or take them for a coffee. Get to know their deadlines and their readership details. It is always best to have a named contact if possible, but if you don't then you should issue releases for the attention of  the news desk/news planners.


  1. When issuing a press release always try to call ahead, so that they associate the press release with your organisation. This will give it more stand out.  Here is a Press Release Template that will help you to write your own press release.



  1. Remember to issue photo call information about a week before your planned event. Make sure that the photo call summarises the photo opportunity.  It is also good practice to follow up the photo call with a telephone call a day or two before the event so you know who is attending from the media. You can also issue a photo call using your own photos and help to raise awareness ahead of the event. Here is a Photo Call Template that you can adapt.



  1. It always helps to have a case study or two that you can share with the local media. Do you have a member of staff who has altered their travel behaviour as a result of the travel planning measures within your organisation?  Can you tell their story? Having a personal angle and being able to demonstrate success is always appealing to local media. Here is some advice on how to use case studies effectively.



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