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Potential Business Travel Savings

Approximately 10% of an average small/medium enterprises’ budget is typically spent on business travel. 

Business travel should be an integral part of an organisation's Travel Plan as arrangements for business travel can significantly affect how employees travel to and from their work.  The money saved from reviewing current business travel policies could be used to fund more sustainable business travel measures. See Alternative Modes of Business Travel.

There are many potential business travel savings that an organisation can make.  These can be savings in terms of money, time and resources.

Potential savings from less business travel

  • Reduction in private car mileage reimbursement.
  • Reduction in fleet operating costs.
  • Tax breaks for lower emission vehicles.
  • Reduction in the car parking requirements.
  • Reduction in general expenses such as taxis, hotels, client entertainment expenses.
  • Reduction in unproductive travel time as a result of reducing the number of business trips.


Potential benefits of less business travel

  • These potential savings can help to fund expenditure on sustainable travel initiatives such as investing in a car sharing database, installing tele or video conferencing facilities,investing in a pool car, providing a "Guaranteed ride home" scheme or providing cycling storage facilities. 
  • Positive PR for organisation as public opinion favours environmentally friendly businesses.
  • Improved employee morale through demonstrating a concern about the health and wellbeing of employees and encouraging them to be less reliant on the car.  Also flexible working policies go along way to improving staff morale and retention.
  • Organisation could be viewed as forward thinking which in turn can assist with environmental accreditation (ISO 14001) and planning applications.
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