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Communicating with Senior Management

Having a Travel Plan can help employers in a number of ways and these are points that should be brought to the attention of Senior Management. Senior Management will want to know the cost implications involved in implementing travel planning measures as well as the potential cost savings.  They will also want the benefits to the organisation clearly highlighted.


Highlight the potential benefits to employers:

  • A reduction in the demand for on-site parking.
  • Improvements in staff recruitment and retention.
  • Improvements in efficiency – reductions in late arrival.
  • Reductions in business mileage.
  • Reduction in fleet management costs.
  • Reduction in sickness levels – due to improved employee health.
  • Can assist in gaining environmental  accreditation ISO14001.
  • Improved reputation in terms of environmental performance.
  • Improved relations with local community.

 Taking these potential benefits, you can then think about the key messages for your Senior Management team. 




Saving money 

There can be considerable savings to be made through various travel planning measures.  From the reviewing of car parking policies, to encouraging the use of public transport for business travel and reductions in National Insurance contributions through adopting salary sacrifice schemes for employees, there are a number of ways to make savings. Saving money will be the most motivating message for Senior Management.


Reputation of the organisation

By developing and implementing a Travel Plan, your organisation will be looked upon favourably by other businesses, local authorities and local media. Through addressing your organisation’s and its employee's impact on the local environment, you will be viewed as a responsible employer.


Planning permission

Having a Travel Plan in place and being able to evidence a commitment to implementing it can help considerably if your organisation is looking to obtain planning permission.


Value of land

It is also worth considering the value of the land that your organisation owns and if best use is being made of it.  Many organisations choose to look at placing a value (what a developer would pay) on the land used for car parking. Is all this car parking necessary? Could this be reduced and the money used to finance other facilities – additional cycle shelters, setting up a car sharing scheme, subsided public transport travel?


Creating a nicer place to work

Swapping unattractive car parks and parking issues for more open, green space and a safer environment for cyclists and pedestrians can help to reduce stress levels amongst employees as well as help your recruitment prcoess  and reputation as an employer.


This Power Point template for a  Presentation to Senior Management may be useful in helping you to get across all the benefits. You can adapt it to fit with your organisation's specific circumstances.







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