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You are here: Home >>  Communications Kit >>  How to Approach Internal Communications >>  What are Mode Groups?

What are Mode Groups?

Mode Groups are groups of people who use the same mode of travel to and from work or for work-related business. When we talk about "Mode" we are referring to walking, cycling, public transport use, driving, car sharing etc.

Setting up Mode Groups can provide opportunities for:

  • Discussing and sharing experiences.
  • Commenting on the emerging Travel Plan from a mode user’s perspective, e.g. providing views on the location of cycle parking facilities.
  • Feeding suggestions as to how use of the mode could be encouraged within the Travel Plan.
  • Encouraging others to use the mode.


There are various types of Mode Groups:

  • Bicycle User Group (BUG).
  • Walking User Group (WUG).
  • Public Transport User Group (PTUG).
  • Postcode Coffee Club (for car sharers).
The Mode Groups should be chaired by one of the Mode Group members and this person should report back to the Travel Plan Co-ordinator when he or she is not in attendance.
The Mode Groups can meet as and when necessary but care should be taken that Mode Groups are not seen as competing with one another and that barriers do not develop between groups. Mode Group members could be encouraged to get involved in the more general meetings with other Mode Group members to avoid this.
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