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Communicating with Your Suppliers

It is important that your suppliers are aware and on board with what you are trying to do. A Travel Plan should not only focus on employee travel, but also consider visitor journeys as well as supplier deliveries.



It is important that your suppliers understand your commitment to encouraging sustainable travel and the benefits that it brings to all, including them. For example, a commitment to using local suppliers in order to cut carbon emissions.

When communicating with your suppliers, focus on the following key benefits which impact on them:
  • Reduced deliveries equals a reduction in carbon emissions which is measureable to both your organisation and your supplier.
  • Improved delivery and access to your site/s through a rationalisation of deliveries can alleviate congestion in and around your site/s. 
  • Improved business image. Through association, your organisation's strong Corporate Social Responsibility policy can have a knock on effect for a supplier.
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