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Scottish Government Cycling Related Initiatives

The Scottish Government has recently developed A Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, funded a major initiative in the form of the ‘Smarter Choices, Smarter Places’ programme and supports several organisations (including local authorities) which promote cycling and walking initiatives.

The Scottish Government has a Cycling Action Plan for Scotland which was refreshed in 2013. Currently, only 1% of journeys are made by bicycle in Scotland and the Government has a vision of increasing this to 10% by 2020.The Action Plan aims to provide a framework to help create an environment which is attractive, accessible and safe for cycling. 

Scottish Government Active Travel The Scottish Government has introduced a number of initiatives that aim to support their plans of promoting active travel in the country.

The Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) programme is Paths for All’s grant scheme to support behaviour change initiatives to increase active and sustainable travel modes. Transport Scotland has agreed a further £5m funding in 2016-17 for Smarter Choices, Smarter Places travel behaviour change projects. Paths for All will continue to administer the programme and provide support for the projects, including planning, implementation and evaluation. Proposals are required from each Local Authority on the programme of work they intend to take forward in 2016/17 with this resource.

Project Funding - The Scottish Government provide funding to organisations tasked with increasing awareness of active and sustainable travel. A list of the organisations can be seen below and clicking on the links will take you directly to their homepages where you can find out detailed information about each organisation;
Providing support to Local Authorities - The Scottish Government provides dedicated funding to Local Authorities for projects involving Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets. 

The Safer Routes to Schools Implementation Fund is a grant scheme for active travel infrastructure associated with school travel, which is administered by Sustrans Scotland and funded by Transport Scotland. Local authorities and statutory bodies can apply to the fund.

In support of these initiatives, the Government continues to fund the SUSTRANS Safe Routes to School scheme which provides resources, training, knowledge and expertise to schools.
In 2015 SUSTRANS compiled the ‘National Hands Up’ survey detailing how children travel to school. The survey can be accessed at National Hands Up Survey 2015
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