Spreading the Cycling BUG

Spreading the Cycling BUG

Spreading the Cycling BUG - getting internal support from those who already cycle is key.

Spreading the Cycling BUG - Getting internal support from those who already cycle to work can help organisations to encourage others to make the switch to moreactive and sustainable travel options.

If you are planning to introduce a cycling initiative as part of an Active and Sustainable Travel Plan, or you have an initiative in place lackinguptake, one way to get support and spread the word is to organise a Staff BikeUser Group (BUG).

To start your Staff BUG, talk to those in your organisationto identify those who already commute by bike and would be keen to encourage others to join them in cycling to and from work. A Staff BUG should include experienced cyclists who can support those who are less comfortable cycling andmay have hesitancies about changing the way they commute. It is also likely that those who already cycle to work will be enthusiastic about supporting acycling initiative, which can be an excellent resource when promoting thebenefits of cycling and active travel.  

Before you start your Staff BUG, it is important to set outthe aims of the initiative and how you propose to achieve them. There is a widerange of onlineresources available for Travel Planners to research initiatives that haveworked for others and how similar ideas could be implemented within theirorganisation. Members of your Staff BUG may also have been part of a cyclinginitiative with a prior organisation, so it is important to talk to them tounderstand how they were or weren’t successful.

Here are just a few ideas for your Staff BUG:

Bike Breakfast
Events such as a Bike Breakfast can be an excellent way to raise the profile ofan Active and Sustainable Travel Plan by encouraging new people to getinvolved.

Lunchtime Rides
For less experienced cyclists, events such as Lunchtime Rides can help them tobecome more comfortable cycling in a group setting.

Doctor Bike Sessions
If bike maintenance is holding back your cycling initiative, speak with yourStaff BUG or local bike shops to discuss arranging a ‘Doctor Bike’workshop at your workplace.

Route Planning
Experienced-based routes mapped by your Staff BUG can help to ease newparticipants in to cycling.

More information and resources on cycling can be found onthe Travelknowhow Scotland website.

Spreading the Cycling BUG

Shona has an in-depth knowledge of the active and sustainable travel sector in Scotland.